Corporate Leadership Training

Corporate leadership training in Vienna, Barcelona & online.

With more than 10 years of experience in corporate leadership training, we would like to be your partner for your leadership development program! We understand, that every organization has it’s own special situation and training needs, so all our training programs are custom tailored to your requirements.

Interactivity, active experience and learning by doing constitute the core methodology of our training approach. We create learning spaces where participants can try out new behaviors and also make mistakes without fearing any consequences. That’s why our training sessions take a strong experiential approach offering every participant ample room and possibility to observe, analyze and improve his/her own behaviour.

A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein

In practice this means the frequent use of practical and experience based exercises such as group dynamic activities, role-plays, case studies and sometimes also Lego® Serious Play®. Theoretic knowledge will be introduced in parallel but always with the clear objective of increasing participant’s skills for observation, analysis and resulting action planning.

Sample corporate leadership training


  • Pedagogical Concept

    Life-long-learning is one of the fundamental revolutions of our times. The classical division between the learning phase (school, university) and application phase (work) no longer exists. We have to constantly learn to adapt to the rapid changes surrounding us. As a consequence, learning cannot be limited to the classroom but needs to happen in everyday life, above all in our workplace.

  • Didactic Concept

    Our didactic concept is based on Constructivism, a school of thought that starts from the idea that we all are actively constructing our own reality: Based on our perception and interpretation of it, we shape our own self-reinforcing picture of the world around us.

    Applying this thought to the concept of education means that the task of the trainer cannot be to fill the empty recipient with his knowledge. Instead the role of the modern trainer is that of a facilitator, a learning coach you could say, that stimulates his students in a way, so that they can develop new skills and knowledge.

    Experience and learn pro-actively instead of passively receiving!

  • Methodology

    As our didactic concept is based on the active experience of the participant, our methodology focuses on active and long-lasting learning. We mainly work with:

    – Group work

    – Role plays

    – Group dynamic exercises

    – Case studies

    – Problem-based learning

    This does not mean that we completely renounce theory, we think it is very important, but we do limit it to a minimum, placing the emphasis on hands-on forms of learning.

    From our own experience we know that applying newly acquired knowledge is one of the key factors in retaining it. Therefore we pay great attention to the “transfer” of knowledge from the course (protected environment) to the daily routine (real environment).

  • Meeting the clients' needs

    All the courses shown on this page are examples of the typical courses we offer. Each of them can and will be modified and/or combined with other content to fully adapt it to your needs. During the briefing we jointly establish the specific objectives, content and methodology thus tailoring an offer to meet your demand.


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